Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability.  This week is National Stroke Week and Alliance Rehabilitation are raising awareness of stroke recovery and early prevention measures.

Alliance Rehabilitation are community leaders and your local experts on stroke prevention and recovery. Strokes can be entirely preventable and having access to a team of allied health professionals for your stroke recovery or early intervention rehabilitation will greatly improve your quality of life.

A stroke disrupts the blood supply to the brain and can cause brain cell damage. Stroke survivors can face many challenges such as physical deficits, memory problems, word finding and communication difficulties, and changes in your work and social environments.

The Stroke Foundation has highlighted ten keys areas that could reduce your risk of stroke by up to 90% if addressed.

  1. Decrease your blood pressure – Half of strokes are linked to hypertension. High blood pressure puts a strain on your blood vessels and arteries which makes your heart work harder to circulate blood. Controlling your blood pressure will reduce your risk of having a stroke.
  2. Exercise – Inactivity is the second highest risk factor for stroke and can lead to other health problems. Aiming for at least 30 minutes of activity a day can decrease your risk. This can be any form of exercise or physical activity that increases your heart rate, makes you feel warm, and gets you a little out of breath.
  3. Eat a balanced diet – Having a healthy and balanced diet will reduce your risk of obesity and diabetes which will in turn reduce your risk of stroke.
  4. Reduce your cholesterol – Having high cholesterol can contribute to blood vessel disease, leading to stroke. Lowering your cholesterol naturally or with medication will reduce your risk.
  5. Maintain a healthy weight – Obesity or being overweight can lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or type 2 diabetes which are all risk factors for stroke. Maintaining a healthy weight will reduce your risk and help increase your quality of life.
  6. Stop smoking – Smoking doubles your risk of having a stroke. It increases your blood pressure and reduces the oxygen in your blood. Smoking cessation can be difficult but can be managed with help from your health care team and will decrease your risk of stroke.
  7. Reduce your alcohol intake – Regular heavy drinking increases your blood pressure, which is the largest risk factor for stroke. Over 1 million strokes each year are linked to excessive alcohol intake.
  8. Take care of your heart – People with atrial fibrillation (irregular pulse or heartbeat) are five times more likely to experience a stroke. Seeing your GP for screening will help you to identify if you have AF and manage it.
  9. Manage your diabetes – Diabetes increases your risk of having a stroke. Seeing a Credentialed Diabetic Educator to learn how to manage your diabetes will help you reduce your risk.
  10. Manage your stress and depression – 1 in 6 strokes are linked to your mental wellbeing. Learning to manage your stress, depression, anxiety, and anger will help to reduce your risk of stroke.

Alliance Rehabilitation’s multidisciplinary team can help target all areas affected by stroke. The brain’s neuroplasticity (ability to change and adapt) allows you to create new pathways following a stroke, which is targeted through repetition exercises. We also work collaboratively with you to implement healthy behavioural changes to prevent your risk of having a stroke.

  • Our Occupational therapists work collaboratively with you to optimise your function and independence, giving you an enhanced quality of life. Their goal is to make your transition back home and within the community as easy as possible.
  • Our Physiotherapists provide expert assessments and individualised treatment plans which will help you with balance, coordination, and hemiparesis (weakness on one side of the body, affecting the whole side or part of an arm or leg).
  • An Accredited Exercise Physiologist can help implement an individualised physical activity program. They can explain to you what exercise is safe for you, taking into consideration all your health conditions. AEP’s specialise in behaviour change interventions so they can help you find the motivation to get started and keep going.
  • Our Psychology team can help you to manage your emotional wellbeing and mood. They can give you the tools to reduce your anxiety, stress, anger, and depression as well as provide counseling for family members and friends.
  • Our Social Workers are here to help you manage any external factors affecting your health and wellbeing. They can provide counseling, advocate for you, help you manage any financial difficulties, and assist you with applications for services to help you.
  • Our Credentialed Diabetes Educators help you understand your diabetes, give you the tools to self-manage, and motivate you to make positive changes.
  • Our Accredited Practising Dietitians are experts at providing nutritional assessments and can help facilitate positive change. If you don’t know where to begin, they are here to help promote wellbeing, independence, and self-efficacy.
  • Our Speech pathology teams can provide expert assessments and treatment for problems with language use or swallowing, and changes to memory, attention, or learning.

Having one organisation for your stroke rehabilitation needs is important in ensuring you have a full recovery. Alliance Rehabilitation’s community approach allows us to tailor a program to each individual and ensure we are meeting your goals. Today is an opportunity for you to ask yourself if you are where you want to be regarding your health and wellbeing. Our team are not just experts in stroke recovery but are an excellent local community resource for you to access in order to live a healthier and happier life. Stroke prevention is possible, and we are here to help you reduce your risk of becoming part of the statistic and support you on your way to total wellbeing.

You can read more information about Alliance Rehabilitation’s Stroke Recovery here.



In the News: AR Joins UPLIFT Trial in Townsville – Alliance Rehabilitation

Upcoming Events:  Upper Limb Retraining – Alliance Rehabilitation

Learn more about Stroke :

All statistics taken directly from the Stroke Foundation website: