About CIMT
Constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) is an intensive supervised therapy program that improves hand and arm recovery after stroke and acquired brain impairment.
This Modified Constraint-induced movement therapy (mCIMT) program uses the theory of neuroplasticity to explore ways to improve function in your stroke-affected hand to engage in meaningful everyday tasks.
Program Duration
You will be required to attend Alliance Rehabilitation for 4 hours per day, 5 days per week for 2 weeks and complete up to one hour of daily home assignments.
Before the program starts, we will ask you to attend a 2 hour baseline measurement session. These measures of your affected hand and arm will also be repeated (another 2-4 hours) after the program has been completed.)
The criteria for mCIMT is as follows:
Medical conditions:
- Cerebral palsy with hemiparesis
- Stroke
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Spinal cord injury
- Multiple sclerosis
Required level of function:
- 10 degrees active wrist extension on the affected hand
- 10 degrees active thumb abduction on the affected hand
- 10 degrees active extension of any other two digits on the affected hand
- Limited spasticity (0,1,1⁺) according to modified Ashworth scale
- Ability to move the affected arm to at least 45 degrees of shoulder flexion and abduction, and 90 degrees of elbow flexion and extension
- Adequate balance
- Minimal cognitive dysfunction
When: Monday 7th March – Friday 18th March 2022
Where: 139 Boundary St, Railway Estate (Townsville) Qld
Cost: Contact for more information
RSVP: Book below or Call 07 4772 1219 or email to reception@alliancerehab.com.au
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