A lot of the dialog in the health and fitness industry turns exercise into a chore or punishment and promotes it as merely a weight loss tool. This can create a negative relationship between our minds and movement.
Exercise shouldn’t be a punishment, it should be FUN! Exercise Right Week aims to change the dialog around exercise to shift it from merely a weight loss tool to something that makes you feel good, physically and mentally.
Some key benefits of exercise:
- It keeps your muscles strong
- It keeps your bones strong and reduces the risk of osteoporosis
- It reduces the risk of (and can help manage) osteoarthritis
- It reduces your risk of virtually all chronic health conditions
- It improves symptoms of depression and anxiety
- It improves your cardiorespiratory fitness
- It improves your energy levels
- It reduces your risk of developing 13 types of cancer
- It helps you maintain your independence as you age
- It reduces you risk of falls
- It reduces your risk of Type 2 diabetes
- It can help you manage a range of chronic conditions
- It can help you to manage chronic pain
- And so, SO much more…
Our Accredited Exercise Physiologists Jack & Jacinta spent some time this week asking some of our regulars what they thought about exercise and how it benefits them. Keep up the great work team!