This week is Feeding Tube Awareness Week in Australia. Alliance Rehabilitation is working to increase awareness and understanding of tube feeding in the North Queensland community. Many Australians are living with conditions which require feeding tubes to sustain their nutritional needs.
Australian charity ausEE Inc., the peak national support and patient advocacy organisation for eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders, is focusing on the importance of feeding tubes and getting nutrition to those who need it. The week aims to highlight the challenges individuals, carers, and families face, as well as the impact tube feeding has on a day-to-day life.
Tube Feeding, also known as enteral nutrition, is an alternative way to provide nourishment and essential nutrients for individuals who are unable to consume adequate food or fluid therefore supporting them to grow, develop, and flourish. There are many reasons a person may require enteral nutrition. They may have a condition that makes eating difficult – including medical conditions, illnesses, or disabilities. A feeding tube may be temporary or permanent to support and guarantee a person is safe when eating and drinking.
At Alliance Rehabilitation, our Accredited Practising Dietitians are experts in enteral nutrition and are trained to provide expert support, practical resources, and guidance to ensure an individual is supported appropriately with their enteral nutrition. This could include transitioning from the hospital system, maintaining or changing your enteral nutrition source, sourcing supplies, or educating your support team to safely use your enteral nutrition equipment.

Tube feeding can be overwhelming, and our dietitians are here to make the process easier by supporting and helping individuals to adapt and gain confidence. While tube feeding can seem invasive, it can be life changing for an individual and their support team. It can provide a person with the energy to achieve their goals and make meal times enjoyable again for those who struggle to meet their requirements orally.
The Dietitian team at Alliance Rehabilitation are extremely passionate about feeding tube awareness, stating “Tube Feeding can be life changing and life giving for our participants, providing individuals with the energy and ability to engage in activities they enjoy and participate in their community. Increasing awareness about tube feeding is vital to ensure the community is aware of the challenges experienced to then support individuals and develop solutions to overcome any barriers”.
Our Accredited Practising Dietitians, with nursing staff support, can provide enteral nutrition training for individuals, support workers, or anyone needing to learn the procedure. The training includes an introduction to enteral feeding, troubleshooting, and safety and care considerations. They also provide practical experience with the equipment to ensure safe and confident use.
ausEE president, Sarah Gray, says, “The aim of Feeding Tube Awareness Week is to increase awareness and understanding to the greater community about tube feeding, raise some of the challenges faced, and highlight the day-to-day impact on individuals, carers and families”.
More information can be found at: Feeding Tube Aware.