In Australia the main causes of amputation include diabetes, vascular disease, cancer, traumatic accident, infection & congenital birth deficiencies.

  • Around 8,500 lower limb (leg and foot) amputations are performed each year in Australia. This does not include upper limb (arm) amputations or limb differences due to congenital birth deficiencies.
  • Australia has a poor record with regards diabetes-related amputation and over the past decade our amputation rate has increased by 30 per cent. We currently have the second highest rate of diabetes-related amputations in the developed world, behind the United States.
  • Diabetic Foot Disease is Australia’s leading cause of amputations, with a limb amputated because of this every two hours.
  • Peripheral arterial disease (PAD), also known as peripheral vascular disease, can be caused by diabetes, smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and a family history of cardiovascular disease. PAD can lead to a reduced blow flow to the limbs, which can result in the limb developing gangrene, where it starts to decay and die. Every three hours in Australia, one person has an arm or leg amputated due to PAD.
  • Major limb amputations are 38 times more likely in Indigenous Australians aged 25-49 years.

Source: Limbs for Life

Our Team can assist with preventive health measures or limb loss rehabilitation. We have highly skilled Credentialled Diabetes Educators, Accredited Practising Dietitians, Exercise Physiologists, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Psychologists.